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Our company is legally incorporated in USA with the Registrar of Companies under the Business Corporations Act (RLRQ, C. S-31.1), under number 9512-6033 Québec inc. and under the name of MAO Sustainable Solutions and MAO Sustainable Solutions, under company number: 1179664041


The president is identified: Christian Joseph Turcotte. The head office of this company is located at P.O. Box 721, Monticello NY 12701, USA.


The company address is the same as mentioned above.


We respect the rules of confidentiality and use of cookies to guarantee the best experience for our customers. You can also consult the Privacy Policy via the bottom of our website. For any further information, please contact us at the address mentioned below.


Nikmaq Foundation

P.O. Box.  721

Monticello NY 12701

Cell. : +1 514


Web Site:


In the event of a dispute, we invite our customers to contact us directly to examine the situation together and find an appropriate solution depending on the case. We are concerned about the satisfaction of our customers and listen to their needs.


Thanks for trusting us


The person to contact in the event of a dispute or for any other questions is:

Mr Christian Joseph Turcotte


Tél. : +1 514

Email :



Link to the Business Registrar website: https://www.

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